Nordamerikanische Literatur und Kultur
Since October 2018 | Professor, American Studies with a focus on Gender Studies, Bielefeld University
Since May 2021 | PI in the DFG-funded Research Training Group (RTG), “Experiencing Gender. Constitution and Transformation of Being in the World,” IZG, Bielefeld University
October 2020–July 2021 | PI of the International ZiF Research Group “Global Contestations of Women’s and Gender Rights”, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld
October 2017–September 2018 | Visiting Professor (W3), “North American Literary and Cultural Studies” at Bielefeld University
2017 and 2018 | Visiting Lecturer, MA program: “English Literatures and Cultures” at Universidad in Guadalajara
March 2013–September 2018 | Postdoc, BMBF-project, “The Americas as Space of Entanglements,” Bielefeld University; Coordinator of the Research Group, “Transnational Flows
September 2011–February 2013 | Postdoctoral Fellow, BMBF-Project, “ Interdependent Inequalities in Latin America,” Institute for Latin American Studies Freie Universität Berlin; Line of Research: “Theories and Methodologies”
August 2011 | PhD in American Studies, University of Potsdam
2005 | M.A. in American Studies 2005, Humboldt University Berlin
1996–2004 | Studies of American Literary and Cultural Studies, Spanish and Political Science at Humboldt University, Universätät Gesamthochscule Kassel, the University of East London, Universidad Complutense Madrid
Intersectionality Theorizing, Feminist and Gender Approaches Critical Race Theory, Postcolonial Theories ad Decolonial Perspectives, Gender and Genre, Gender and Right-Wing Populism, Hip Hop and Gender, Gender and Citizenship, Global Contestations of Women's and Gender Rights
Hrg. mit Gabriele Dietze (2020): Right-Wing Populism and Gender: European Perspectives and Beyond. Transcript.
Websitelink zu Veröffentlichungen
Gender, USA/Culture, Cuba/USA-Cuba, Postcolonial Approaches, Racism