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Dr. Dirk Schulz

Managing Director GeStiK, GeStiK - Gender Studies in Köln, University of Cologne

Focus of Work

Gender Studies, Queer Theory, (Anglophone) Literary and Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies, Critical Theory, Popular Culture, Poststructuralism, Celebrity Studies

Research and Practice projects (selection)

Publications (selection)


  • 2011: Setting the Record Queer. Rethinking Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • 2011: Zeit-Er-Zeugnisse. (Rezension über Andrea Ochsner: Lad Trouble. Masculinity and Identity in the British Male Confessional Novel of the 1990s. Bielefeld: transcript 2009) In: IASLonline [25.02.2011] URL: (Datum des Zugriffs: 18.07.2011)
  • 2010: "The Fame to Please. The Normalisation of Celebrities." In: gender forum An Internet Journal for Gender Studies URL:
  • 2009:"Dancing to the Jailhouse Rock: The Pop Prison." In: Dichotonies. Gender and Music. Beate Neumeyer (ed.) Heidelberg. Universitätsverlag Winter. 267-284. 
  • 2009: Grenzen einer Grenzziehung. (Rezension über Isabell Karremann: Männlichkeit und Körper. Inszenierungen eines gesschlechtsspezifischen Unbehagens im englischen Roman des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Königstein/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer 2008): In: IASLonline [26.04.2009] URL: (Datum des Zugriffs: 27.04.2009)
  • 2005: "Ellen Degenarrated. Breaking the Heteronormative Narrative Contract". In: Narrative Strategies in Television Series. Gaby Allrath and Marion Gymnich (eds.) Houndsmill, Basingstoke etc.: Palgrave Macmillan
  • 2002: "Where Do We Go From Queer? The Question of Naturalness and Normality in Contemporary Literature, Film and the Media" In: gender forum. An Internet Journal for Gender Studies. URL:
  • in Kürze erscheinend: "Being Natural is Simply a Pose and the Most Irritating Pose I Know'. Humor as a Means of Survival in "The Picture of Dorian Gray." In: Joking Apart. Gender And Humor (provisional title). Sophie Blanch (ed). London, New York: Routledge.


Languages and Cultural Studies, Art and Design