Heidemarie Winkel
Fakultät für Soziologie, Universität Bielefeld
Assoziierte Professur
Short Biography
Heidemarie Winkel, Dr. phil. habil., passed her studies in sociology and economics at the University of Trier. She received her Diplom in Sociology in 1993 and obtained her PhD in 2001. In 2010, she completed her Habilitation (professoral thesis) at the University of Potsdam. Since June 2016, she is a university professor at Bielefeld University. In 2017, she was awarded a Senior Research Associate at St. Edmund's College and the Von Hugel Institute at the University of Cambridge.
Employment History
Heidemarie Winkel was a research fellow in sociological theory and gender sociology at the University of Trier (1993-1994), the Technical University of Berlin (1995-2001) and the University of Mainz (2001-2002); she continued as assistant professor at the Universities of Erfurt (2002-2005 & 2007-2009) and Potsdam (2009-2011). From 2005-2007, she completed a research project in the Mashriq (Palestine, Lebanon & Egypt; funded by the German Research Foundation).
Winkel was a board member the German Sociological Association's research section for Women's and Gender Studies (2012-2016) and the research section Sociology of Religion (2012-2018); Winkel also was a board member of the Research Network Sociology of Religion in the European Sociological Association (2012-2020) and its chair /vice-chair from 2012-2016, a member of the ISSR Council (2018-2021) and she is a member of the advisory board of GENDER. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft as well as the Editorial Board of the Journal for Religion, Society and Politics.
Main research interests are: Transcultural Gender Sociology, Plural Gender Cultures and Postcolonial Sociology, Global Sociology of Religion and Plural Religiosities with a special interest in selected Arab contexts in the Mashriq; Qualitative Methods; Sociology of Knowledge, Intercultural Communication and Transcultural Sociology / Cultures of Understanding
Forschungs- und Praxisprojekte (Auswahl)
2017 - 2019
Handbook Religion in Context, zus. mit Annette Schnabel u. Melanie Reddig
Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
Herausgabe Sammelwerk
Herausgabe Special Issue/Journal
- Feminismus, Säkularismus, Religion
Winkel H, Poferl A, Oloff A (Eds) (2021)
Special Issue der feministischen studien (1/2021).
- Religious Cultures and gender cultures: tracing gender differences across religious cultures
Winkel H, Arweck E (Eds) (2019)
Journal of Contemporary Religion 34(2 (Special Issue).
- Special Issue on Feminisms in Times of Anti-Genderism, Racism and Austerity
Winkel H, Gutiérrez Rodríguez E, Tuzcu P (Eds) (2018)
Women Studies International Forum 68: 139–141.
- Geschlechterverhältnisse verhandeln – arabische Frauen und die Transformation arabischer Gesellschaften
Winkel H, Raheb V, Brechmann U, Schäfer S (Eds) (2017)
Gender. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 9(1 :Special Issue).
Ausgewählte Aufsätze / Artikel
- Multiple gender cultures: gender as an epistemic test case of plural modernities
Winkel H (2021)
In: Multiple Gender Cultures, Sociology and Plural Modernities. Re-reading Social Constructions of Gender across the Globe in a Decolonial Perspective. Winkel H, Poferl A (Eds); New York: Routledge: 225–264.
- Die Freiheit, (...) zu irritieren und sich irritieren zu lassen": Feministisches Denken, Re-Nationalisierung von Geschlecht und die koloniale Epistemik der Soziologie
Winkel H (2021)
In: Soziologische Experimentalität. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Disziplin und Gegenstand. Betz G, Halatcheva-Trapp M, Keller R (Eds); Wissenskulturen. Weinheim: Betz Juventa.
- Women's Rights versus Exclusive Masculinity. Social mechanisms of gendered boundary making in Arab societies
Winkel H (2020)
In: Middle Eastern Women. The Intersection of Law, culture and Religion. Raheb M (Ed); Bethlehem: Dihar: 53–76.
- Religiöse Symbolisierung und kulturelle Codierung von Geschlecht
Winkel H (2020)
In: Geschlechterverwirrungen. Was wir wissen, was wir glauben und was nicht stimmt. Rendtorff B, Mahs C, Warmuth A-D (Eds); Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag: 39–46.
- Contextual Theology with a Gender Focus. Palestinian Women in the World Day of Prayer Movement
Winkel H (2019)
In: Christian Theology in the Palestinian Context. Khoury R, Zimmer-Winkel R (Eds); Berlin: AphorismA Verlag: 443–450.
- Rights, Traditional Authority and Exclusive Masculinity: Gender justice versus symbolic boundary making
Winkel H (2019)
In: Women’s Rights in the Middle East Today: Law, culture, and religion. Raheb M (Ed); Bethlehem: Diyar.
- Religion, Globalisierung und lokale Dynamiken. Eine abschließende Verhältnisbestimmung
Winkel H (2019)
In: Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen. Verhandlungen des 39. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Göttingen 2018. Burzan N (Ed); Verhandlungen des .. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie , 39. Göttingen.
- Religion und Geschlecht
Winkel H (2018)
In: Handbuch Religionssoziologie. Pollack D, Krech V, Müller O, Hero M (Eds); Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 885–909.
- Religion, Orientalism and the Colonial Body of Gender Knowledge
Winkel H (2018)
In: Religion im Kontext - religion in context. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium . Winkel H, Schnabel A, Reddig M (Eds); Baden-Baden: Nomos: 71–84.
- Postkolonialismus. Geschlecht als koloniale Wissenskategorie und die weiße Geschlechterforschung
Winkel H (2018)
In: Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung . Kortendiek B, Riegraf B, Sabisch K (Eds); Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, 65. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden: 293–302.
- Religionssoziologie jenseits des methodologischen Säkularismus‘: Multiple religiosities, entangled modernities und religiöse Wissensproduktion am Beispiel arabischer Reformideen
Winkel H (2017)
In: Religion soziologisch denken. Reflexionen auf aktuelle Entwicklungen in Theorie und Empirie. Winkel H, Sammet K (Eds); Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS: 427.
- Identität, Geschlecht und Mission im Nahen Osten
Winkel H (2014)
In: Individualisierung durch christliche Mission?. Reinhard W, Linkenbach A, Fuchs M (Eds); Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz: 695.
- Mobilizing Gender around the Globe: The Ecumenical Movement as a Resource for gender Equity in Arab Christianity
Winkel H (2013)
In: Religion on the Move!. New Dynamics of Religious Expansion in a Globalizing World. Adogame A, Shankar S (Eds); International Studies on Religion and Society, 15. Leiden: Brill: 225–242.
- Gender Knowledge in the Arab-Islamic Realm. On the Social Situatedness of Gender as an Epistemic Category
Winkel H (2012)
In: Gendered Ways of Knowing in Science: scope and limitations. Knauss S, Wobbe T, Covi G (Eds); Trento: Fondazione Bruno Kessler: 155–176.
- Geschlechter(un)gleichheit im theologischen Wissenssystem. Pluralisierung religiöser Geschlechterkonzepte in der europäischen Moderne
Winkel H (2012)
In: Religionen in Nachbarschaft. Pluralismus als Markenzeichen der europäischen Religionsgschichte. Bultmann C, Rüpke J, Schmolinsky S (Eds); Vorlesungen des Interdisziplinären Forums Religion der Universität Erfurt, 8. Münster: Aschendorff: 165–188.
Excerpt from:
Gender Knowledge in the Arab-Islamic Realm. On the social situatedness of gender as an epistemic categorie, in: Stefanie Knauss/Theresa Wobbe/Giovanna Covi (ed.), 2012: Gendered Ways of Knowing in Science. Trento: Fondazione Bruno Kessler, S. 155–176.
The epistemological function of the sex/gender differentiation has been highly disputed in Western social sciences since the 1970s. In the beginning, the focus lay on the term sex and the social consequences of its meaning as a given biological factor for womenÄs and men's sociation. Today, gender is contested as wel, because the concept tends to reify the sexual divide between women and men. Numerous historical and sociological studies have built on this insight, demonstrating that the lived reality of two incommensurable sexes is part of an epistemological shift since 1800, intertwined with the Western history of science. Accordingly, gender is a term deeply rooted in the Western mindset and its socio-historical development.
Despite a strong awareness that gender is an analytical category which is deeply embedded in Western social history, the concept's transfer to non-Western societies consistently fails to acknowledge its social situatedness in the Western context. As a result, gender configurates in other societies are viewed through Western lenses, which mak endogenous gender schema. This paper will analyse the distoring effects of Western lenses with reference to an Arab-Islamic context. I argue that gender is not primarily associated with sexual difference in this societal realm. Instead, gender knowledge is mainly shaped by equitable reciprocity. (...) Equitable reciprocity constitutes the nucleus of a gender concept in its own right alongside the Wester-European model of sexual difference.
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Expertise für
Transcultural Gender Sociology, Gender Relations in the Mashriq/selected Arab contexts, Sociology of Knowledge, Sociology of Religion, Gender and Religion, Multiple Modernities, Postcolonial Theory, Plural Gender Cultures
Gesellschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften