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Stephan Wallaschkowski

Research Fellow in the field of Sustainable Development, , Bochum University of Applied Sciences


Practical Experience

2014 – present |  Research Fellow at Bochum University of Applied Sciences (Department Electrical Engineering: Coordinator for Sustainability Education / Department Business: research project "Sustainable Consumption and Gender").

2013 | Research Fellow at Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy (Research group "Sustainable Production and Consumption")

2012–2013 | Research Assistant at Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Essen (Department "Responsibility Culture", esp. Corporate and Consumer Social Responsibility)

2004–2012 | Freelance promotion for mattt.production promotion & event Bochum (customers (f.i.): Lexmark, Logitech, Canton, Sonos, Yamaha)

2010 | Internship at EMI Music Germany in the field of market & consumer research

2001–2009 | Interviewer at GfK Market Research, CATI-studio Essen


2004–2013 | Diploma degree in Management & Economis at Ruhr-University Bochum

Focus of Work

Sustainable development, Sustainable consumption, Sustainability marketing, Sustainability and gender, Marketing and gender

Research and Practice projects (selection)


Sustainable consumption, Consumer behavior and gender, Sustainability marketing, marketing and gender


Law and Economics