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Dr. des. Sonja Gaedicke

Research Associate, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences , Cologne University of Applied Sciences


Since June 2021 Sonja works as a research associate at the department for Gender Studies at TH Köln.

Between 2019 and 2021 Sonja worked as research associate at the department for sociology and gender studies at the German Sport University in Cologne where her research focusses on sexual violence in sports. In addition, she is writing her PhD thesis in the field of urban gender studies at RWTH Aachen University.

Between 2013 and 2019, Sonja worked as research associate at the research group Gender and Diversity in Engineering (GDI) at RWTH Aachen University. 

She studied Sociology, Political Science and English Literature at RWTH Aachen University and graduated with a Magister degree in 2007.

Focus of Work

Gender competence in teaching, urban gender studies, social inequality, gender and intersectionality in interdisciplinary contexts, postcolonial theories, qualitative methods (situational analysis)

Research and Practice projects (selection)

Publications (selection)

Gaedicke, S. & C. Gerloff-Blood (2024): Genderkompetenz als interdisziplinäres Future Skill. In: Diversität konkret, Nr. 01/2024.


Gaedicke, S. & T. Schwertel (2023): 

Situationsanalyse als Katalysator einer feministischen Public Sociology, in: Gauditz, L. et al. (Hg.) Die Situationsanalyse als Forschungsprogramm, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.


Gaedicke, S. & C. Rhein (2023): Soziale Welten/ Arenen-Karten neu gedacht - Theorie-Methoden-Karten als Werkzeug zur theoretischen Verortung von Forschenden und ihren Arbeiten, in: Gauditz, L. et al. (Hg.) Die Situationsanalyse als Forschungsprogramm, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.


Gaedicke, S., Schäfer, A., Hoffmann, B, Ohlert, J., Allroggen, M., Hartmann-Tews, I., Rulofs, B. (2021): Sexual Violence and the Coach–Athlete Relationship - a Scoping Review from Sport Sociological and Sport Psychological Perspectives. In: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living

Gaedicke, Sonja (2019): Discourse and the construction of ‘otherness’ in public urban ‚spaces of fear’ – an intersectional feminist approach. Artikel für den Tagungsband zur Konferenz „The City – Images and Imaginaries”, Madrid.

Gaedicke, Sonja (2019): Urbane Angsträume und rechte Diskurse. In: philou. Unabhängiges Studierendenmagazin der RWTH Aachen University, Nr. 7.

Steuer, Linda/ Bouffier, Anna/ Gaedicke, Sonja/ Leicht-Scholten, Carmen (2017): Diversifying Engineering Education - A Transdisciplinary Approach. In: Gray, Monica/ Thomas, Ken D. (Hrsg.) (2017): Strategies for Increasing Diversity in Engineering Majors and Careers, IGI Global, S. 201–235.


Social Sciences