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Dr. Anja Szypulski

Research Associate, Fakultät Raumplanung, TU Dortmund University


2004 PhD in sociology at the University of Dortmund.
Since 1998 research associate in the University of Dortmund Women's Studies and Housing department.
1994-1997 scholarship holder for the DFG postgraduate school "Gender Relations and Social Change".
1993-1994 employee in the chair of social structural research at the University of Bochum (Ilse Lenz).
1992-1993 academic employee in the NRW regional parliament.
1992 research assistant in the professorship of women's studies at the University of Münster (Prof. Faulstich-Wieland).
Student of sociology, modern history and teaching at the Universities of Münster and Vienna (MA).

Focus of Work

Completed PhD dissertation "Concealed Realities - group housing and organised self-help for groups in building their own homes. The example of the IBA project series Einfach und selber bauen".


history, women's movement, housing, history of the women's movement, sexology, new housing forms, housing projects, housing property development


Social Sciences