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Gender Equality in North Rhine-Westphalian Institutes of Higher Education - Activities and Projects (only available in German language)

The project regarding gender equality in North Rhine-Westphalian (NRW) institutes of higher edcuation evaluates gender equality measures and projects in each of the 68 institutes of higher education of the state (universities, universitites of applied science owned by the state NRW, art colleges, public administration colleges as well as ecclesiastically and private universities). The results are bundled in a database and systematized with the aim to promote and make it accessible to the public. The research pool is continuously updated and expanded. 

Website gender equality projects (only available in German language)

Project management: Dr. Beate Kortendiek | Project collaboration: Dr. Lisa Mense


Berkels, Babette (2011): Recherchepool „Gleichstellungsprojekte an nordrhein-westfälischen Hochschulen“ – Freischaltung und Ergebnisse der Online-Studie. In: Journal Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Nr. 28, S. 61-65.

Berkels, Babette (2011): Recherchepool: „Gleichstellungsprojekte an NRW-Hochschulen ist online“. In: CEWS Journal Nr. 79/27.05.2011, S. 41-44.